welcome to my carrd!
here you can find infos and examples for my commissions.
go check my other socmed below!
2000x2600 px size, 300 dpiprices : starts from $35price may increase if the character is detailed
price listed is for personal use only, commercial use prices are on the info tab
A4 size, 350 dpi
for icons : 1000x1000 px size, 300 dpiprices :
Icon $30 | blinking Icon $35
Bust up $35 | Halfbody $45 | Fullbody $60price may increase if the character is detailed
price listed is for personal use only, commercial use prices are on the info tab
+ - A4 size, 350 dpi
prices : Bust up $45 | Halfbody $55 | Fullbody $75simple scenery background is included, for more complex background there will be additional price starting from $35price may increase if the character is detailed
price listed is for personal use only, commercial use prices are on the info tab
Reference sheet
custom size, 350 dpiBase price 75$ (front and back view flat colour)additional :
✧headshot : $20 each
✧details (paws, eyes, etc) : $8 each
✧side view : $35
✧clothing : $20
✧shaded : $20
✧NSFW : $10you can pick cell/soft shade for shaded ref sheetprice may increase if the character is detailed
price listed is for personal use only, commercial use prices are on the info tab
Terms of services
DO : furry | fanart | humans | anthro | lewd
DON'T : gore | inflated | some species | some fetishes |NSFW
COMMISSIONERS MUST READ AND AGREE TO THE TERMS BELOW:I. GENERAL TERMS.I have the right to refuse orders. They are not first come, first serve. Fill out the order form I'll give you thoroughly and carefully. If you miss out on telling me a detail, please make sure to amend it ASAP and inform me before you send payment. It is your responsibility to provide me the details that I will need to do a successful job.You must be 18 years old to order a commission from me, and use your own Paypal account for payment.II. PAYMENTS.The commission must be paid in full via PayPal before I start on the order.
Currency accepted is USD.
You have to be able to pay within 48 hours after the order is made.III. PROCESS.Works in progress (WIP) and revisions. I sent WIP at sketching, lineart, and base colour period. You are able to ask for a revisions, but maximum 3 revisions each step (sketch, lineart)Changes to final image. I will only make changes to the final piece if it was an error on my part (i.e. I missed a detail that you had provided in the order).
If it's a change you want and I did not have clear, obvious information when you ordered the art, I will not make the changes unless additional fees are paid (exact amount to be determined, depending on the scale of the change). The responsibility is on you to ensure your order contains the details you want me to follow. I will not redraw commissions unless payment is sent for a second order.Completion time. I usually works very fast with commissions, but I'll keep you updated if It will take longer than estimated time because of me being sick, personal, and mental health issues. estimated time for your order to be finished is about 1-4 weeks. depending on my queue.Shipped commissions. Commission types that are shipped may take a long time to arrive to your place, it can take up to 2 months, so please be patient for the item to arrive. if in any case you didn't received your package within 2 month, we can discuss if you want the item to be refunded (production and shipping cost only) or ship a new item to you.==IV. COPYRIGHT/USAGE POLICY.==Use of my art. Prices listed for commissioned pieces are for personal use only (non commercial use) by the commissioner. You can use it for banners, graphics, personal prints, desktop wallpapers etc, but you cannot use it for any profit. This means my art should not appear on any product that is sold since the rights of the arts still remained with me.If I find that you use it for profit, then I will not accept your commissions in the future, you will be blacklisted and I'll spread awareness about this on my social media. Commissioners are also allowed to upload the art where they wish, provided my signature is not removed.Rights to the art. The rights to the art remain with me. I, the artist can use the art, publish books, display it anywhere, and post it wherever I wanted. I am the creator of the art and you only have the rights to your character and the usage of the unwatermarked art. If you are selling your character rights (and art of that character) to another person, you cannot charge them more money than you paid me for the rights to the unwatermarked commissioned art I did for you.Private commissions. If you request the commission to be private (I cannot upload it to my gallery on dA and or Tumblr) then the price will be 1.25x regular price. This is because I lose out on my chance to display my current skills for potential customers. Normally I own all rights to the artworks to showcase in my portfolios. You cannot use my art on any product that you sell.It is okay for you to upload full/watermarked versions to personal picture albums /collections such as photobucket, weebly, toyhou.se, etc, you don't have to credit me but it will be appreciated if you do, you can credit me as 'Ne-moru' in the title/description of the upload.V. COMMERCIAL USAGE PRICE, POLICY AND NFT/CRYPTO REGULATION. ==Rights to the art will be given to you. Please state if I would be able to post the art on my social media as portofolio/example or not.I DO NOT ACCEPT COMMERCIAL PROJECTS FOR NFTs.
you can't buy commercial commission to sell as NFT, and if I found out you used my art to mint NFT, I'll add you to my black list and spread awareness about this matters.additional prices for commercial projects:
Tier A : Indie Vtuber (non company) for youtube thumbnail, music cover, or banner = +50% of total order price.
Tier B : Indie Vtuber from Indie company for youtube thumbnail, music cover, banner, or promotional purpose = +75% of total order price.
Tier C : Company + commercial purpose = x2-3 total order price depends on the contract.==VI. CANCEL, REFUND, AND CHARGEBACKS.Refund policy. The amount of money that can be returned depends on how far I have gone on the commission at the time of refund request. Please note, refunds will not return PayPal fee amounts back to you, so you may receive 3-5% less than the original amount you had sent. Percentages returned are based on the amount of money I received (meaning: amount you sent - paypal fees = amount I received; I calculate refunds from the final amount)not started: 100% of the money
sketch: 50% of the amount + sketch is sent
line art: 30% of the amount + line art is sent
completed art: no refundsChargebacks. If you file a chargeback against me, your right to everything I have ever made for you will be retracted and I have the right to sell the copyrighted artwork to new buyers. You will forbidden to ever commission me, join raffles and giveaways, and other things from me ever again. Your name will be publicly posted everywhere I want to for others to watch out for. I also have every right to file a complaint and I have all the right to the money you have given me.By commissioning me, it means you have read and accepted all the terms outlined above.You will adhere to the policy stated in this terms of services for both personal and commercial commission, thank you.